Sunday, May 16, 2010

Holding on for dear life...

I'm still hanging in here. I can't believe that I let life take over......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we all know what I mean by that. I really am still treking along but it is getting harder and harder as things in my life are changing.

I'm still losing, and still reading all of your blogs I have just lost a lot of hours in my day. I start school tomorrow....and I'm not sure how that is going to turn out. I'm going into social work. I had three interviews last week for work, and I have another tomorrow in the AM. I've added 2 foster children to my life for the next couple of months. Yes you are reading that right. So I now have 9 under 8 in my home as we added another 2 year old and another 6 year old....why? cause that's the way I love life.

So there is the side of me that wants to just become content with being fat forever. And then there is the side of me that says....KEEP GOING!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!

So there you have it folks I am still going.


Mindy said...

Holy cow... 9??? I'm barely hangin on by a thread with just one in the mix. i think you're amazing for doing that. i'm sure you will be such a powerful blessing ot those little children! i know it's not easy but chasing 9 little ones around has to burn some serious calories... so, don't eat their leftovers and you'll hang steady i'm sure!

Moi said...


A tad crazy mind you but you rock. With that kind of schedual you may not be able to take as much time for yourself for exercise but running after that many kids should keep the pounds off. Plus with all of that going on, who has time to eat! :)

All joking aside, make sure to take care of yourself. You are a kind and caring women who takes care of a lot of people, make sure to move yourself up on that list.