Tuesday, June 28, 2011


It's coming it's coming!!! I can hardly wait to weigh in. I really am going out of my mind to see where I'm at on the scale!!! AHHHHHHHH! I'm still a little up and down, but I know that I'm headed the right direction.
It is truly amazing the things that one can see when going to the gym. I will share a couple of funny moments...I watched a lady eat a donut while doing a serious spin workout. Go figure. It was really a donut.I kept looking to see if it was some sort of power bagel or something, but no it was a glazed donut.
I also watched a man sit in his car(parked at the gym) eating his McDonald's breakfast with hash browns and a bacon egg and cheese something. Then he went in and worked out like crazy? I wonder why he isn't losing any weight????lol
I got my butt kicked by a pregnant lady working out on the treadmill next to mine. (she didn't know we were racing, but in comparison I am too embarrassed to say her speed and distance compared to mine I'm a wimp. And she was really, really prego, like 7 months.)
Look at how adventurous it can be to go to the gym :) Can't wait to see what else is going on there.

We move in 5 days, haven't packed yet...but it will all happen in due time.
Hope you are all doing well...but not too well ;)

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