Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'm a stationary kind of a girl!

Yep you got it. I love sitting on my butt...on a stationary bike! Started my morning with a 9.33 mile bike ride in 26 minutes, at a pretty decent resistance. Then moved on and ran 3 miles...followed by some serious ab routine. GO ME!

For those of you that competed with me before, a little FYI exercise is no longer my enemy! It is my friend. I learned a few things over the past year, (how to be skinny isn't one of them). I've known for a long time that because of my MS my balance and coordination isn't up to par, but what I never put together is that because of that I really struggle with exercise. So here is what I learned....

I gave up trying to jog outside, or ride outside, or on a track. I learned that when I'm on stationary equipment I work harder because I don't have to pay attention to where I am going and can focus strictly on what I am doing.I also have something to hold on to. Sounds silly, I know. But the first time that I worked out at the gym I realized that my MS limits what I can do.

So there you have it. I now can exercise! Add that to my great eating plan and what do you have....WINNER!!!!WINNER!!!!WINNER!!!!


Karilynn said...

Are we talking about Clean Eating? You kicked butt with that last time... hmm.. I don't know if you've ever had to compete against me though.. oh well.. there are 3 winners every month so you MIGHT have a change! ;) GO AMANDA!!

Angie said...

I am a stationary person with the bike, but I prefer walking outdoors. I think that is mainly because I like the scenery changing, and having a visual goal. What I would REALLY like is one of those treadmills that Jillian Michaels advertises for... you know, the one that gives you a climbing experience such as Mt Everest. I would love to keep working on a goal like that and get closer and closer!

Vicki said...

I am glad that you found something that you're body will allow you do that, that gives you a sense or pride and motivation. I haven't yet found that grove that makes me want to go but knowing who I am up against is helping me already. Way to go Amanda!

Anonymous said...

Would you like some cute stickers and maybe some colored pens to go with your Stationary!!! LMBO!!!

Way to go!!!

<3 ya