Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Excuse #1

Here I sit and wonder how in the world am I going to do my "Slim in 6" program tonight. I am slowly dieing. I'm sure of it. It's going to be a slow painful death. Translation...I HURT EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! Seriously, my 3 whole days of exercise has done me in. My abs are so sore that it hurt like crazy when I had a little coughing fit today. I really want to curl up in a fetal position and go to sleep for the night...but curling up hurts because my butt and legs hurt. I think that running the bleachers at the rec center is what did me in. I just keep telling myself over and over in my mind...IT WILL BE WORTH IT! IT WILL BE WORTH IT! I WANNA WIN! I WANNA WIN! KEEP GOING! And I continue to push myself forward to endure to the end.
I was so proud of myself last night. I had every reason in the world to not do my "Slim in 6." To start with, I had already exercised that morning. But I got my running shoes on and got my resistance bands out and my water...and 47 minutes later I was sweating like crazy. I DID IT!
Well, I decided that I would treat myself to my own Valentine's Day present. I bought the new Tosca Reno cookbook and her Revised Eat Clean Diet book. I am so stoked. I can't wait to have a few minutes to look them over.
So I think the only way I am going to write up my excuse list is to do it a little at a time. I have too many excuses, so the task at the moment is a little overwhelming. Here is a start: 1. I'm tired! All of the time. I suffer with chronic fatigue, and I can't ever seem to get enough sleep.

Thanks for everyone's support! I love reading what you're doing and what drives you.


Karilynn said...

Excuse #1 is a doozy... we all do it. Truth be told exercise is a cure for chronic fatigue! :) It also helps with insomnia... go figure! Way to push through it... I'm assuming you at least did a little of your program last night.. RIGHT?!?!

Amanda said...

Of course Karilynn!!!! I pushed my way through it, then got up this morning and did the bleachers, and a 20 minute stretch program. I'm not giving in....not giving in.....

Moi said...

Wow, way to go. That is awesome that you pushed yourself so hard. Fantastic!!!