Monday, February 1, 2010

I am actually blogging...

Okay, so it is time to pick up the pace and get back on the road to success. No more time off from blogging, and it doesn't matter how tired I am. I NEED to blog. I need to talk about the life changes I am trying to make. I am so much more focused when I do this. So here I am back on track. I am still eating well, but I am getting a little lazy at making sure that I have my carbs, and proteins, and that I'm getting 6 little meals a day. The other thing is that since I've been so busy, I haven't been faithfully reading your blogs everyday, and I have missed the power and motivation that is provided through this. It is interesting how quickly we mom's forget to do the things we need to, to take care of ourselves. You would think that through the years I would realize how much more happy I am and how much smoother things go with my family when I take care of me. It's almost like I need to write in on my planner and block off a big section that says "MOM TIME".
So this week, I can notice a difference in my weight loss. My face looks better, and I was able to squeeze into a size 12 pant (down from 14). It is truly amazing at how great a few pounds lost can do for a person.
I am getting nervous about the big weigh-in on Friday. I can't wait to see how we all do. Let's keep moving forward!

1 comment:

Karilynn said...

Glad to have you back on the bloggin' wagon! Friday is SO CLOSE!! YAY!