Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weigh in today; I lost a whopping 2.4 lbs....I guess I was hoping for a little more. But I should be really excited. That's a 10.8 pound loss in 2 weeks!!!! GO ME! I am having a rough day...but still hanging in there.

I was thinking about cheating for the first time: I want some ice cream! Only because my husband has left it sitting out on the counter for the past hour. So I want just one bite. How bad would that be? And would it really effect me? But then I know one bite leads to one more bite, and then I might as well have a whole bowl...So I picked up Tosca Reno's book and am rereading the section on cheating. So let me share with you from her book to give us all a little strength, for when we do happen to cheat (which I haven't chosen to do yet). "Believe it or not, cheating serves a purpose. Once you've indulged in your particular brand of sin, the pleasure is short-lived. The treat tastes good while you're indulging but soon afterwards you feel as if you've made a big mistake." It causes you to focus on all the hard work you had accomplished to this point. And can help to re-motivate you to head forward in the direction you are going to a healthy body.

So I have chosen to not have the ice cream. I have done so good, and I am determined to stay committed. So here is one more quote from her book that rings true..."One of the most difficult decisions you can make is to go on a diet. Tougher still is staying on it." I AM STAYING ON IT!


Kim said...

Oi. I'm probably going to need to read that quote a few more times this week. I'm hormonal so I've been so tempted to do a little extra snacking at night. Haven't given in yet, hope I can keep it that way. Don't give in! =)

Karilynn said...

Congrats on overcoming the temptation and on losing another 2.4 lbs. Seriously.. that's impresive! Keep pressing forward and stay away from the ice cream! ;o)

Pitbull said...

Wow!!! Your loss and determination is impressive! Keep up the good work.,.,and DO stay away from the ice cream!

Kristie said...

Congrats on the loss. You are having such success and you are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, Manda, I think everyone's being a little hard on you... go ahead EAT THE ICE CREAM. Go ahead and eat the whole container if you want to!!! In fact maybe I should make you some brownies to go along with it. ;)